No. Neither necessary or adviseable. If you are a devoted landscape gardener, and you live in Minnesota, and I were in charge of your psychological well being, I would advise planting not tulips, but another “Dutch” bulb, the narcissus. “Daffodil” is the “street” name for these bulbs.
Are the bulbs in the world of the daffodil more beautiful than tulips?
Not in my view. Nor likely in the view of the Dutch according to history. Tulips offer a much, much broader rainbow of colors….blue is missing, but that is a difficult color to display with any genus of garden plants. Most tulips have a very pleasant up close scent. Others have very attractive foliage.
There is a tremendous difference, however, between growing narcissus in ones landscape which raises the narcissus far above any other “Dutch” bulb in its value to make it more soothing to the gardener’s sense of well being. A fact to remember:
Narcissus, i.e. daffodils are totally immune as food to any and all of your landscape garden visitors called RODENTS.
Usually when this fact is fully digested, the value of white and yellow in the spring garden suddenly dramatically increases. As long as these bulbs are not planted in peaty or other soils high in organic content, and they can get enough sun to a space not overly wired by elm or maple roots, most narcissus can last in their space for decades.
Some of the newer hybrids of tulips, no matter how beautiful they may be, often live for only a few seasons. That may be true of some narcissus, but I have not yet noticed this.
Some narcissus are strongly fragrant, some very tiny.
For those enjoying the beauty of well placed boulders in their landscape garden, home owners should, as a rule, plant dwarfish Dutch bulbs among the boulders in order to exaggerate the mass of the boulder rather that dwarf it.
Note: Dutch bulbs are called “Dutch”, neither because they are tough on spending money, nor because they “pay” equally for the evening “out”, as in the expression, “going Dutch”. Or even because they are native to Holland.
They are called “Dutch” because, when “independent” Holland was rising as a sea power exploring the world new to the human experience during the 17th century, it went beserk over the beauty of the tulip. Fortunes rose and fell speculating on the value of the tulip bulb. Narcissus were less valued.
Perhaps the Dutch had fewer menacing rodents in their landscapes.